In our web app/site, I need to use an iframe or a popup window to validate if the current token is valid and refresh it if no.
So, I create an iframe, and set the property 'src' to the validation link such as "https://<domain_name>/auth?client_id=xxx" which is different to our app domain https://<app_domain>. and the return value will like "https://<domain_name>/code=yyyy"
and I added the message handle for the web app/site, like
window.addEventListener("message", this.messageHandler);
in the messageHandler, I will check if the message is from a specified website, and then validate the "code" value, blabla, etc.
But when running in Chrome, I always got the error "Blocked autofocusing on a element in a cross-origin subframe."
what confused me is:
- it always failed when running in the Chrome browser, but it can work fine in Firefox and Edge chromium.
- I tried to set iframe.sandbox = "allow-forms allow-scripts allow-same-origin", the problem still existed.
- If the validating token failed in iframe or timeout, I will create a popup window to continue validating and refresh the token. But every time, using popup window can always succeed. If it is really a cross-origin issue, why using iframe failed but using popup window succeeded.
- I didn't use window.postmessage. because I don't know how to pass the return value of iframe/popup-window to the main page.
- I used CORS extension of Chrome or using parameter --disable-web-security when launching Chrome. the problem still existed.
- when I created the iframe or popup window. it is very simple, I just set the iframe.src property, there is no element being created.
any help will be much appreciated.
I refer to the following doc:
Blocked autofocusing on a form control in a cross-origin subframe