I don't work with Google Sheets very often and mainly deal with Google Form's script editor. We have created a database from various forms that fill into one spreadsheet and I would like to send email notifications to specific managers based on the recent row update, which would update from a form submission. Here is what I was trying to get it to do:
if cell in Column P matches to "FALSE":
- send email
- set the recipient field as "[email protected]" if cell in Column J matches to the word "Building 1"
- set the CC field as "[email protected]" if the cell in Column I matches to the word "Department 1"
if Column P matches to "TRUE", then it doesn't have to do anything
function triggerOnEdit(e)
function checkClearance(e)
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Calculations");
var value = sheet.getRange("P:P").getValue();
var range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), 1); //understands spreadsheet
if(range.getColumn() <= 16 &&
range.getLastColumn() >=16 )
var edited_row = range.getRow();
var approval = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(edited_row,16).getValue();
if(approval == 'FALSE')
return edited_row;
return 0;
function alertManagers(e)
var clearance_row = checkClearance(e);
if(clearance_row <= 0)
function sendEmailByRow(row)
var values = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange(row,1,row,16).getValues();
var row_values = values[0];
var mail = composeAlertEmail(row_values);
var manageremail='[email protected]';
//Uncomment this line for testing
//SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert(" subject is "+mail.subject+"\n message "+mail.message);
function composeAlertEmail(row_values)
var name = row_values[6];
var email = "[email protected]";
var message = "Good day, \n The following employee does not have clearance to enter the building: "+name+
" email "+email;
var subject = "Employee Not Cleared: "+name+" "
Does this seem possible? I know I am probably far off from a solution, but thanks if anyone can help in advance!