Pretty new to this level of formula and coding, and am learning on the go. I recently got some help to make an INDEX MATCH formula work with an IFNA statement. It works perfectly now (Link below, "Session 1" Sheet, Cells E14-E23)
I tried to use the same style of formula in E29-E38 (highlighted in orange). However due to requiring multiple IF statements, the IFNA isn't allowing it to work now.
I need to search and match what is in cells D29-38 of "Session 1" sheet to where it is listed in column A of varying other sheets (you can see which sheets in the code in E29-E38) and then bring me back the value in Column B of those sheets for the matched column A item.
I have the formula I tried to adapt below:
=iferror(ifna(IF($B29="Set",INDEX('Set DD Skill by Skill'!$B$3:$B,match($D29,'Set DD Skill by Skill'!$A$3:$A,0)),na()),if($B29="Vol",INDEX('Vol DD Skill by Skill'!$B$3:$B,match($D29,'Vol DD Skill by Skill'!$A$3:$A,0)),na()),if($B29="EXTVol",INDEX('EXTVol DD Skill by Skill'!$B$3:$B,match($D29,'EXTVol DD Skill by Skill'!$A$3:$A,0)),na()),if($B29="EXTVol2",INDEX('EXTVol2 DD Skill by Skill'!$B$3:$B,match($D29,'EXTVol2 DD Skill by Skill'!$A$3:$A,0)),na()),if($A29="DMT",INDEX('DMT DD Skill by Skill'!$B$3:$B,match($D29,'DMT DD Skill by Skill'!$A$3:$A,0)),"")),"")
And also a link to a copied version of the sheet for reference:
Thanks in advance for anyone who is able to help with this !