
Microsoft graph beta end point exposed a new property on the Calendar Event entity for series master id type. Documentation says

"Contains the id property values of the event instances that are exceptions in a recurring series. Exceptions can differ from other occurrences in a recurring series, such as the subject, start or end times, or attendees. Exceptions do not include cancelled occurrences.

Returned only on $select and $expand in a GET operation which specifies the id of a series master event (that is, the seriesMasterId property value)."

I am running this query but still don't see the above property, What am I missing?



1 Answers


According to example in official documentation for beta API you're missing $expand=exceptionOccurrences so your URL should be:


Note that current example in the official docs may still contain some editing errors (e.g. missing & that separates query string parameters).