We use Camunda to run business processes but my question is more about general BPM patterns than a specific tool that implement it.
Let suppose the following very simple use case and a homemade application on top of it that use BPM engine API to query tasks and complete them.
Let suppose that Action 1 will be auto assigned to John and Action 2 to Bob. From my comprehension of BPM, when the process start, Action 1 is created and assigned to John. When John complete the Action 1, the Action 2 is created and assigned to Bob. And that's what we want because Bob could not start working on Action 2 if Action 1 is not yet completed. Fine...
Now suppose that as the team manager, I want to schedule activities of John and Bob. I'm thinking about introducing an initial task handled by me to configure a planning.
When the process now start, a new task is created and is assigned to me. I want in my homemade application to query the BPM engine in order to get all tasks (actives and inactives) in order to add planning information (planned start date and due date). For example, I want to specify that:
- Action 1 should start on 01/01/2021 and should be closed on 03/01/2020.
- Action 2 should start on 04/01/2021 and should be closed on 05/01/2020.
With this kind of information, John and Bob could connect to the task list and see that a "not yet started" task is waiting for them on a specific time range. The main goal of this is to manage a team calendar of activities.
I don't see how to implement that in BPM due to the fact that, in my comprehension, tasks are created when the process reach them so we could not have information about "Not Yet Started" tasks.
Any ideas? Suggestions? Bests practices?