I want to create a static library libmylib.a from mylib.c/.h and link it to a project to use this library in bootloader code using the arm-none-eabi-gcc cross compiler in ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
I have an electronic engineering background, so I'm kind of new in this compiler and linker stuff.
What I know: I've been searching about this, and found out that '.a' are just packed '.o' files, and that's it. You can do it using ar in linux. I don't know how to manage the dependencies for this '.a' file, for example, or how to link it to the project.
What I want to know: I really want to understand how it works, to compile and generate the bin, elf or hex files using these static libraries for arm using the arm-none-eabi-gcc cross compiler (found some for linux), but I don't know how to search for this properly, how to learn it in a linear way. If you guys could help me on this I would be really grateful.