
Using pandoc, what is the command to process a Markdown document with LaTeX to HTML?

The LaTeX needs to be converted into SVG and placed inline with HTML.

Example: Markdown content...

\lim_{x \to \infty} \ \frac{x + \sin x}{x}

The above is used in a markdown document, which needs to be converted using pandoc to an HTML document and the math to SVG.

I tried converting the above using pandoc lwl-limits.md -f markdown -t html -o lwl-limits.html but this is not converting the latex to svg though the page is converted to HTML.


1 Answers


Use the --webtex option with a custom URL to get equations converted to SVG:

pandoc --webtex 'https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?' ...

Images will be created on the fly by the codecogs web service whenever the resulting HTML document is opened in a browser. To download the images ahead of time and including the images directly, combine it with the --self-contained option.