
In a website build in shopware, I'm changing the theme files but when I changed for example the (meta.twig) file it is affecting the website, but when I edit (index.twig) it is not affecting it. What could cause this problem?

Maybe cached content in your browser, try reloading the page with CTRL + F5 or R + F5 as it removes the cached files from the website.popcorn
Yes i have tried that, but it still doesnt show anything i add on itBleron Parduzi
Have you also cleared the cache on the server? You can do that from the Administration with Alt + C on Windows and Control + C on Mac.sobyte

1 Answers


Most probably your Twig file is cached, either by the symfony build-in twig cache or the full page cache. You might need to clear the cache in the administration or via console (php bin/console cache:clear).

You can deactivate the http-cache that is enabled by default in the installation package in your .env-file by setting SHOPWARE_HTTP_CACHE_ENABLED to false. The twig cache can be deactivated in the vendor/shopware/platform/src/Core/Framework/Resources/config/packages/twig.yaml with cache: false