I am currently making a high bandwidth transmitter spreading ADS1115 data over both a LoRa and NRF24 module, however, I am running into lots of issues with the task scheduler and unstable behaviour of i2c (being used for the ADC, both transmitters use SPI). I am trying to read and process data on one core and transmit it on the other. Both processes work perfectly in isolation but not together when together the ADS1115 returns -1 or ~32k, and sometimes when working together the NRF module stops transmitting. Here is the minimal working code:
// flag to indicate that a packet was received
volatile bool transmittedFlag = true;
void IRAM_ATTR setFlag(void) {
// packet transmission is finished, set the flag
transmittedFlag = true;
void AttemptTrans() {
while (true) {
if (transmittedFlag || digitalRead(DIO0)) {
int state = lora.startTransmit((uint8_t*)(&LoRaData), sizeof(Data));
if (state != ERR_NONE) {
Serial.print(F("failed, code: "));
else {
transmittedFlag = false;
if (nrf.txFIFOEmpty()) { //Custom function: read_register(FIFO_STATUS) & _BV(TX_EMPTY);
nrf.writeFast(&data, sizeof(Data), 0);
int ads_counter = 0;
void ADSFunc(){
while (true) {
uint32_t input = REG_READ(GPIO_IN_REG);
if (input && 0x400000) { //Digital read on pin 22
ads.setMultiplexer(ads_counter + 4);
ADS_RAW[ads_counter] = ads.getConversion(false);
ads_counter = (ads_counter + 1) % 4;
The tasks have been added in the following snippet:
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore((TaskFunction_t)ADSFunc, "ads", stackSize2, NULL, 1, &ADSHandle, 0);
xTaskCreatePinnedToCore((TaskFunction_t)AttemptTrans, "LoRaTX", stackSize, NULL, 1, &LoRaHandle, 1);
What works:
- Disabling either task
- Concatenating the functions onto one core - giving a bandwidth ~20 lower :(
- the power lines have minimal noise staying between 3.301-3.302v
What doesn't work:
- using DigitalRead rather than REG_READ, it causes the task to be permanently blocked, using REG_READ causes the task to be blocked less as time goes by, this was checked by running
on the other core - Changing i2c pins
- Disabling the LoRa interrupt
- moving the LoRa interrupt between cores
- disabling the watchdog on both cores
- using the blocking methods of the ADS or the NRF, the ADS blocking method breaks the NRF module too, not sure why but I know the blocking method constantly polls the i2c bus
- using the adafruit ADS1115 library
- using small vTaskDelays / TaskYeild
- using big caps on the 3.3v lines + ceramic for the ADC
- using AMS1117 3.3 regs for each device
- using 2 AMS1117 3.3 regs for the ESP
- using a Li-ion + boost converter as a power source
Current theory: There is a resource conflict between the SPI and i2c bus, this locks a mutex that blocks the ADS thread? When you work around this, the i2c bus spits out random values
I feel like I have tried everything so I am just hoping that this is a resource conflict, and is a known issue with an easy workaround! Any help is much appreciated!