
I know this question asked before but i want to know how can i stop to showing this error and instead of this i want to show custom error message to user in blade.

This is user migration :

public function up()
    Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
        $table->enum('two_factor_type', ['off', 'sms']);

UPDATE: This is my insert function :

$user = User::find(auth()->user()->id);
    'melli' => 'min:10|max:10',
    'cart' => 'min:16|max:16'
    'name' => $request['name'],
    'cart' => $request['cart'],
    'melli' => $request['melli'],
    'gender' => $request['gender']
return redirect(route('profile.index'));

This error happens when i have a melli in my database like 1234567890 and i try to write 1234567890 again, because the melli field is unique.

You don't show your insert query, but I'd suggest using a try/catch block, or look for an existing Melli string before inserting.aynber
Normally you would handle such state during validation, and return custom messages to blade. If you want to handle it yourself, then as @aynber suggested, catch the exception and return your own message to pladeuser3532758
Question updatedWaltun
Use unique validation in melli field. laravel.com/docs/7.x/validation#rule-unique check this as well to handle update stackoverflow.com/a/48492198/12459934Avi
Thank you all answers is helpfulWaltun

1 Answers


You need unique validation rule and ignore that id in the update.

You can do like this:

   'melli' => 'min:10|max:10|unique:users,melli,' .$user->id,


    'melli' => [
        Rule::unique('users')->ignore($user->id, 'id')
    'cart' => 'min:16|max:16'

I think that's what you need.

Also, some helpful answer.