
The app type is a Hosted Blazor web-assembly. And below are the versions of the nuget packages I am using. There is an error that occurs when trying to expand a navigation property that is a many-to-many relationship. The classes are mapped to DTO classes that flattens the middle relationship class.

  • .Net core Version="3.1"
  • AutoMapper Version="10.0.0"
  • AutoMapper.AspNetCore.OData.EFCore Version="2.0.1"
  • AutoMapper.Extensions.ExpressionMapping Version="4.0.1"
  • AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection Version="8.0.1"
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Server Version="3.2.1"
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData Version="7.5.0"

To run this repo, you will need the free version of SQL Server or better

Set the EfCoreAutomapperOdata.Server project as the startup project and navigate to the Courses page (https://localhost:5001/courses) and click on either course. This will throw the following error:

System.InvalidOperationException: No generic method 'Include' on type 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityFrameworkQueryableExtensions' is compatible with the supplied type arguments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-generic. at System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.FindMethod(Type type, String methodName, Type[] typeArgs, Expression[] args, BindingFlags flags)...


See here - Entity Models and here - Dto Models for class definition

Automapper Config
    public class AutomapperConfig : Profile
        public AutomapperConfig()
            CreateMap<Instructor, InstructorDto>();
            CreateMap<InstructorDto, Instructor>();
            CreateMap<Course, CourseDto>()
                .ForMember(dto => dto.Students, opt => {
                    opt.MapFrom(_ => _.Students.Select(y => y.Student));
            CreateMap<CourseDto, Course>()
                .ForMember(ent => ent.Students, ex => ex
                    .MapFrom(x => x.Students.Select(y => new CourseStudent {
                        CourseId = x.Id,
                        StudentId = y.Id
            CreateMap<Student, StudentDto>()
                .ForMember(dto => dto.Courses, opt => {
                    opt.MapFrom(x => x.Courses.Select(y => y.Course));
                .ForMember(dto => dto.Friends, opt => {
                    opt.MapFrom(x => x.Friends.Select(y => y.Friend));
            CreateMap<StudentDto, Student>()
                .ForMember(ent => ent.Courses, ex => ex
                    .MapFrom(x => x.Courses.Select(y => new CourseStudent
                        StudentId = x.Id,
                        CourseId = y.Id
    public class Startup
        public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
            Configuration = configuration;

        public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // ------ Some code removed for brevity ------

            services.AddAutoMapper(cfg => { cfg.AddExpressionMapping(); },typeof(AutomapperConfig));

            // ------ Some code removed for brevity ------

        public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
            // ------ Some code removed for brevity ------



            app.UseEndpoints(endpoints =>
                endpoints.MapODataRoute("odata", "odata", GetEdmModel());

        private IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
            var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();

            return builder.GetEdmModel();
Course Controller
    public class CourseController : ODataController
        protected readonly BlazorContext _context;
        protected readonly IMapper _mapper;

        public CourseController(BlazorContext context, IMapper mapper)
            _context = context;
            _mapper = mapper;

        public async Task<IActionResult> Get(ODataQueryOptions<CourseDto> options)
            return Ok(await _context.Course.GetAsync(_mapper, options));

        public async Task<IActionResult> Get([FromODataUri] int id, ODataQueryOptions<CourseDto> options)
            return Ok((await _context.Course.GetAsync(_mapper, options)).Where(s => s.Id == id).ToList());
Sample odata api query that fails



I have built demo Blazor WASM app for this issue to reproduce


Where is the exception being thrown? (Or easier, just add the full exception including stack trace to the post.)lauxjpn
I added the stack trace and pointed out in the controller exactly where the error is thrownA. Dixon

1 Answers


General Setup

To make expansions work, you need to allow for the $expand query option to be used. Configure it explicitly like so:

private IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
    var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();

        .Expand(); // <-- allow expansion

        .Expand(); // <-- allow expansion

    return builder.GetEdmModel();

You will also need to update your AutoMapper map, to allow the queries to be successfully mapped to a DTOs:

public class AutoMapperConfig : Profile
    public AutoMapperConfig()
        CreateMap<Estimate, EstimateDto>()
                dto => dto.Types,
                opt => opt.MapFrom(x => x.EstimateTypes.Select(y => y.Type)));

        // The following mapping is needed for expansion to work:
        CreateMap<EstimateTypeRel, TypeDto>()
                dto => dto.SubTypes,
                opt => opt.MapFrom(x => x.Type));

        CreateMap<Type, TypeDto>()
                dto => dto.SubTypes,
                opt => opt.MapFrom(x => x.SubTypes.Select(y => y.SubType)));

        CreateMap<SubTypeRel, SubTypeDto>();

With that configuration being setup, there are at least two possible solutions to this issue, depending on your requirements:

A) Only expand Types

If you only want to expand Types, you will need to change your AutoMapper mappings by adding a .Where(z => z != null) clause, because as the exception tells you, null values are not allowed in collections, but OData includes them for the non-expanded SubType entities:

public class AutoMapperConfig : Profile
    public AutoMapperConfig()
        CreateMap<Estimate, EstimateDto>()
                dto => dto.Types,
                opt => opt.MapFrom(
                    x => x.EstimateTypes.Select(y => y.Type)
                        .Where(z => z != null))); // <-- filter out null values

        CreateMap<EstimateTypeRel, TypeDto>()
                dto => dto.SubTypes,
                opt => opt.MapFrom(x => x.Type));

        CreateMap<Type, TypeDto>()
                dto => dto.SubTypes,
                opt => opt.MapFrom(
                    x => x.SubTypes.Select(y => y.SubType)
                        .Where(z => z != null))); // <-- filter out null values

        CreateMap<SubTypeRel, SubTypeDto>();

Then you can use the following query:


B) Also expand SubTypes

The alternative is to expand the SubTypes property as well, so the collection can be properly filled. To expand DTO mapped properties over multiple levels, use the $expand query option in your query string like so:
