
I have an MS Teams adapter written using the botframeworks sdk v4 for node js which works perfectly for normal conversations. But when I try to do a task/fetch, it returns an error message "Unable to reach app. Please try again." on the task module popup

enter image description here

I can see from the inspector that it returns 502 response for the request to invoke the task module

enter image description here

The task module returns a simple adaptive card and I can see that I get a callback on my handleTeamsTaskModuleFetch function from the logs

enter image description here

The adapter runs on a docker container with an nginx proxy and the nginx logs shows that, it returns a 200 response whenever I click on the task module launch button

I have a similar setup in my dev and taskmodule works perfect there

Any help is highly appreciated


I have tried hardcoding the adaptive card. That doesnt help either

enter image description here

Could you please check if the final response being sent is similar to the example here? Are you seeing any errors in the console?Gousia Begum
Yes it is. Also the same is working in my dev. There is no errors in the node consoleSethunath K M
Could you please share your app manifest with us?Gousia Begum
pastebin.com/6cxJCbyx this is how my manifest looks likeSethunath K M
We would need the entire manifest(including the id) to test it on our side. Please share it to microsoftteamsdevATmicrosoft.com if you do not want to share it publicly.Gousia Begum

1 Answers


Eventually it was found that there was a problem with one of the csp headers and microsoft was not happy about it.

I removed the CSP headers and the taskmodule started working

Thanks to @gousia-msft for your help in debugging the issue