I am creating a symbol Layer in Mapbox having "sdf" attribute true and on zoom level(5-12) i am changing icon-size using Mapbox Expression.
const layer: mapboxgl.Layer = {
"id": accessible,
"type": "symbol",
"source": seatSourceName,
'source-layer': appConfiguration.api.seatSourceLayerName,
"paint": {
"icon-color": expression, //This is expression where i am changing color
"icon-opacity": 1
"layout": {
"icon-image": this.iconId,
"icon-ignore-placement": true,
"icon-padding": 0,
"icon-size": [
['exponential', 2],
5, 0,
12, 0.09
'icon-allow-overlap': true,
"icon-rotation-alignment": "viewport",
"icon-rotate": 0,
"icon-anchor": "center"
The problem is that i can see square background around icon's on smaller zoom level but on higher zoom level background disappears. This is happening only when I interpolate icon-size between zoom levels'.
Replicated on CodePen as well: https://codepen.io/dollysingh3192/pen/xxVLwWz?editors=0010 (Enable Cors Before checking)
Try to zoom-in/zoom-out around icon
Attaching zoom level around 9 image(Magnified)(In-correct)
Attaching zoom level 12(Correct)
I am creating sdf icon's as per: How can I create SDF-Icon's (used in Mapbox) from PNG?
I have no idea, what is happening here. Need Suggestion please..
Added on Mapbox Repository Github Issue's Page: https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/issues/9961