I'm currently [attempting] to use Realm in one of my applications; however, I'm unable to view the default.realm file in Realm Browser or Realm Studio, which I'm finding very inconvenient. Whenever I attempt to open the file I'm asked for an encryption key. I am not encrypting my realm files as far as I know.
All cocoapods are up to date as are Realm Browser and Realm Studio. I've created the file from new multiple times.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Further Information:
pod 'StitchSDK'
pod 'RealmSwift', '=10.0.0-beta.3' (this is directly from the MongoDB Realm tutorial)
Xcode version: 11.6, Realm Studio: 3.11.0
I am attempting to open the auto-generated default.realm file stored at realm.configuration.fileURL (/Users/.../Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/9C9C5338-B831-45FC-BDDE-2311C4B6DE0D/data/Containers/Data/Application/F8149B26-D04F-4B1E-A923-BE0F5D229595/Documents/default.realm) and have deleted and regenerated this and its associated files to create it 'from new.'
When opening the file in Realm Studio (I've deleted Realm Browser since reading the comments) I receive the message: "Opening Realm files of format version 11 is not supported by this version of Realm". I am following a iOS SDK Tutorial for Realm in the MongoDB Docs to implement Realm in my app and it works: I'm just unable to view the file.
I do not have Filevault enabled and am developing for iOS. I'm not sure where to check for the sandboxing so it should be whatever the default is.
Thank you again!!