In Apache Flink, setAutoWatermarkInterval(interval)
produces watermarks to downstream operators so that they advance their event time.
If the watermark has not been changed during the specified interval (no events arrived) the runtime will not emit any watermarks? On the other hand, if a new event is arrived before the next interval, a new watermark will be immediately emitted or it will be queued/waiting until the next setAutoWatermarkInterval interval is reached.
I am curious on what is the best configuration AutoWatermarkInterval (especially for high rate sources): the more this value is small, the more lag between processing time and event time will be small, but at the overhead of more BW usage to send the watermarks. Is that true accurate?
On the other hand, If I used env.setStreamTimeCharacteristic(TimeCharacteristic.IngestionTime), Flink runtime will automatically assign timestamps and watermarks (timestamps correspond to the time the event entered the Flink dataflow pipeline i.e. the source operator), nevertheless even with ingestionTime we can still define a processing time timer (in the processElement function) as show below:
long timer = context.timestamp() + Timeout.
where context.timestamp() is the ingestion time set by Flink.
Thank you.