I am working on a Instagram clone project. I am doing the profile page part and got some problems. I am trying to use hooks (useState) to set my response from the server with the user document. My problem is that when I use the useEffect (only once with []), the username state is not set. I let useEffect run infinitely, and I found out that the state is set after some little time.
const getUser = async () => {
await axios.get(`/user/getbyusername/${props.match.params.username}`)
.then(res => {
console.log(res.data) // PRINTS DATA CORRECTLY
_id: res.data._id,
username: res.data.username,
fullName: res.data.fullName,
followersCount: res.data.followersCount,
followingCount: res.data.followingCount,
profileImage_PublicId: res.data.profileImage_PublicId,
bio: res.data.bio
useEffect(() => {
getUser(); // async function and awaits for the server response
// HERE, I call getUserPosts using profileUser._id, and it profileUser._id is not set yet
getPosts(); // async function as well
}, [])
Checking if setProfileUser(...) is correct, and it is because it sets the data, but after some time even though I could console.log(res.data) in the correct first time using [].
// WORKS, sets the user state after two runs. NOT GOOD PRACTICE
useEffect(() => {