
I've read the following code in the competitive programmer's handbook where search processes all of the permutations of a set that contains the elements {0,1,..., n-1}:

void search() {
    if (permutation.size() == n) {
        // process permutation
    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (chosen[i]) continue;
            chosen[i] = true;
            chosen[i] = false;

There is a vector called permutation that contains the current elements in the permutation and an array called chosen that keeps track of which elements have already been chosen.

I understand the how the code runs, but I am struggling to understand its time complexity. I know there are n! final permutations, but it appears as though the for loop is executed more times than this. Take for example the following picture:

The for loop is executed at each node. What exactly is the time complexity of the above code?

competitive programmer's handbook -- Now they have books written that tell you how to write crazy macros, usage of one-letter variable names, all mushed into one gigantic main function?PaulMcKenzie
@PaulMcKenzie Haha it's actually surprisingly useful for a complete beginner (such as myself). It's written by Antti Laaksonen and it's free to use. You can find it on Google under the title Competitive Programmer's Handbookuglygod
Does the book mention how to debug programs? If not, it's just going to encourage more "my program doesn't work, what do I do next?" posts from persons using competitive programming sites.PaulMcKenzie

1 Answers


It is still: O(N*N!)

To process permutation requires O(N) time and there should be total N's factorial permutate value so it requires O(N!).

Therefore total complexity lies in O(N*N!)

Note: push_back() and pop_back() requires constant time O(1) time.