
For example, I use dozens BigQuery tables as the data sources for dozens Google Data Studio Dashboards.

Some data sources of BigQuery tables got updated. for example, table_a1 etc. now it would be terminated and I should replace it with version 2, table_a2 etc.

Is there anyway that I can find out for all the Google Data Studio Dashboards I owned (or I can edit), what BigQuery tables are used as data sources for which dashboards?

There should be an easy way to do this. Now I managed dozens dashboards, what if I have to manage hundreds dashboards? or even more. It is difficult for me to check every data source and do the necessary updates (replace table_a1 with table_a2 in this case).

Of course, I can manually keep a log for all the works (including data sources) of Google Data Studio dashboards. but it is not an ideal solutions either.

Thinking more about this issue. It is complicated. The data sources dashboards used may not be direct point to old table, table_a1. it might be the scheduled queries results table which used table_a1 etc. or table views used table_a1 directly or indirectly.

A hacking solution I can think about is

Disable table, table_a1

  • All the scheduled queries using table_a1 is going to report errors.
  • All the Google Data Studio's data sources using table_a1 will also report errors too, right?

Then I can find all these errors and replace it with table_a2.

Will this work?

Any better solutions?


1 Answers



For the scheduled queries, I can use this api to know which BigQuery tables are used in scheduled queries.

But my question about which bigquery tables are used in Google Data Studio, I am still looking for the solutions.

In other words, just like the above api tells me details of all my schedules queries, I need something like this which will tells me all the details of all my data studio dashboard's data sources. Thanks!