
I have a vector that contains both integers and numbers with decimal places. I want to only display decimal places as necessary. For example, I have the following vector:

vec <- c(0.01, 0.1, 1, 10)

R currently displays the values as such:

> vec
[1]  0.01  0.10  1.00 10.00

The output I'm looking for would be this:

0.01  0.1  1  10

Thus far, I've only been able to round all values of the vector to the same decimal place. Thanks!

as.character(vec) returns "0.01" "0.1" "1" "10". This turns your numeric vector into a character vector (which I assume is fine since you're asking after output formatting). Is this what you're after?Maurits Evers
Welcome to stackoverflow! This might be of interest.ismirsehregal
Other options might be: formatC(vec) or prettyNum(vec).GKi

1 Answers


We may use an extra S3 class:

print.myNumeric <- function(x) cat(x, sep = "  ")

Compare printing before and after adding the class:

#> [1]  0.01  0.10  1.00 10.00

class(vec) <- c("myNumeric", class(vec))

#> 0.01  0.1  1  10

Basic math preserves the class and the printing:

4 * vec + 1:4
#> 1.04  2.4  7  44