
I'm trying to send metrics to Splunk via HEC, here's my curl command:

curl -k https://www.website.com                    \
-H "Authorization: Splunk password"       \
-d '{"index":"index-name","time": 313423232.000,"event":"metric","source":"disk","sourcetype":"perflog",
"service_environment":"test","path":"/dev/sda1","fstype":"ext3","metric_name:cpu.idle": 13.34}}'

And in return i'm getting: {"text":"No data","code":5}

This is weird because it was working earlier, all I added was "value":85. Could the issue be the website i'm sending to?

Some suggestions were mismatched quotes, and the fact that HEC only supports a specific set of known fields, but i don't think that's the issue i'm having here because i tried running the same curl command with only index, source, time, host, sourcetype, and event and got the same error code.

What HEC endpoint are you using? Have you tried "value":"85"?RichG

1 Answers


To send a metric to Splunk HEC, you need to include the metric value in a field called _value. You also had a few errors in the last parameter in your example.

The following request should be sufficient.

curl -k https://www.website.com                    \
-H "Authorization: Splunk password"       \
-d '{"index":"index-name","time": 313423232.000,"event":"metric","source":"disk","sourcetype":"perflog",
"service_environment":"test","path":"/dev/sda1","fstype":"ext3","metric_name": "cpu.idle", "_value": 13.34}}'