
On the server side I am using PyCryptodome to encrypt a message with RSA-OAEP (with SHA-256).
I'm trying to decrypt the message using SubtleCrypto Web Crypto API on the client side, but it give me a DOMException error without no further details.
On SubtleCrypto I can import the private key generated in PyCryptodome without problems, but it gives me the error when I'm trying to decrypt the message.

I have also tried to import the public key generated on PyCryptodome on client side to encrypt the same message with SubtleCrypto. In that case I can decrypt it without problems, using the same flow as before.

Are the RSA-OAEP algorithms between these two libraries incompatible? I noticed that PyCryptodome references RFC 8017(v2.2) and SubtleCrypto RFC 3447(v2.1) in their respective documentation.


  • Server side code (pycryptodome==3.9.8):

      from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
      from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP
      class Cipher:
      def rsa_encrypt(self, data, key_string):
          key = RSA.importKey(key_string)
          rsa_encryption_cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(key)
          ciphertext = rsa_encryption_cipher.encrypt(data)
          return base64.b64encode(ciphertext)
      def rsa_decrypt(self, data, key_string):
          data = base64.b64decode(data)
          key = RSA.importKey(key_string)
          rsa_decryption_cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(key)
          plaintext = rsa_decryption_cipher.decrypt(data)
          return plaintext
    ( ... ) 
  • Client side code

    private decryptRSAString (encryptedText: string, privateKey: string) : Observable<ArrayBuffer> {
      return Observable.create ((observer: any) => {
        let keyBuffer: ArrayBuffer = this.str2ab(window.atob(privateKey));
        let encryptedTextBuffer: ArrayBuffer = this.str2ab(window.atob(encryptedText));
        let algorithmParams: RsaHashedImportParams = {
          name: "RSA-OAEP",
          hash: "SHA-256"
        ).then (
          (cryptoKey: CryptoKey) => {
                name: "RSA-OAEP"
            ).then (
              (decryptedMessage: ArrayBuffer) => {
                observer.next (decryptedMessage);
              (error: any) => {
                observer.error (error)
          (error: any) => {
            observer.error (error)
Welcome to Stackoverflow. It could be helpfull to see the code you are struggling with, all other answer would be some kind of "arguing".Michael Fehr
Edited with the client-side code. The code works decrypting messages encrypted with the same library, but it give a DOMException when I try to decrypt a message encrypted with PyCryptodome as I explained before.Sergi Sánchez Centelles

1 Answers


PyCryptodome does not apply SHA-256 as default digest for OAEP, but SHA-1, here. Accordingly SHA-1 must be used on the WebCrypto side:

let algorithmParams: RsaHashedImportParams = {
    name: "RSA-OAEP",
    hash: "SHA-1"

Of course you can also apply SHA-256 on the PyCryptodome side, then no changes are necessary on the WebCrypto side.

from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
rsa_encryption_cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(key, SHA256) # default: Crypto.Hash.SHA1

With consistent digests on both sides I can successfully decrypt a ciphertext with your WebCrypto code, which I have previously generated with your PyCryptodome code (using my own keys).