On the server side I am using PyCryptodome to encrypt a message with RSA-OAEP (with SHA-256).
I'm trying to decrypt the message using SubtleCrypto Web Crypto API on the client side, but it give me a DOMException error without no further details.
On SubtleCrypto I can import the private key generated in PyCryptodome without problems, but it gives me the error when I'm trying to decrypt the message.
I have also tried to import the public key generated on PyCryptodome on client side to encrypt the same message with SubtleCrypto. In that case I can decrypt it without problems, using the same flow as before.
Are the RSA-OAEP algorithms between these two libraries incompatible? I noticed that PyCryptodome references RFC 8017(v2.2) and SubtleCrypto RFC 3447(v2.1) in their respective documentation.
Server side code (pycryptodome==3.9.8):
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP class Cipher: def rsa_encrypt(self, data, key_string): key = RSA.importKey(key_string) rsa_encryption_cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(key) ciphertext = rsa_encryption_cipher.encrypt(data) return base64.b64encode(ciphertext) def rsa_decrypt(self, data, key_string): data = base64.b64decode(data) key = RSA.importKey(key_string) rsa_decryption_cipher = PKCS1_OAEP.new(key) plaintext = rsa_decryption_cipher.decrypt(data) return plaintext ( ... )
Client side code
private decryptRSAString (encryptedText: string, privateKey: string) : Observable<ArrayBuffer> { return Observable.create ((observer: any) => { let keyBuffer: ArrayBuffer = this.str2ab(window.atob(privateKey)); let encryptedTextBuffer: ArrayBuffer = this.str2ab(window.atob(encryptedText)); let algorithmParams: RsaHashedImportParams = { name: "RSA-OAEP", hash: "SHA-256" }; window.crypto.subtle.importKey( 'pkcs8', keyBuffer, algorithmParams, true, ["decrypt"] ).then ( (cryptoKey: CryptoKey) => { window.crypto.subtle.decrypt( { name: "RSA-OAEP" }, cryptoKey, encryptedTextBuffer ).then ( (decryptedMessage: ArrayBuffer) => { observer.next (decryptedMessage); observer.complete(); }, (error: any) => { observer.error (error) } ) }, (error: any) => { observer.error (error) } ); }); }