
I have installed an Agent pool in my Azure VM. I am trying to deploy a dacpac file using the agen pool but I get the error No agent found in pool which satisfies the specified demands: sqlpackage, Agent.Version -gtVersion 1.103.0

I have installed the sqlpackage.exe within the VM and even added the path to the environment variable but I still am getting this error.

Are you able to provide your YAML? Does your pool have multiple agents and if so do all agents have SQLPackage installed?DreadedFrost

1 Answers

  1. Check that you use a corresponding agent pool.
  2. Check these capabilities on your build agent (View agent details):

2.1. Agent.Version. How do I make sure I have the latest v2 agent version?

enter image description here

2.2. SqlPackage. SqlPackage PATH (with your local path) should be added after installation, you can try to restart your build agent to re-read your environment.

enter image description here