I am very much new to Delphi Prism. In fact, you can even say I am a newbie, but I have programmed in Delphi for the last good 10 years. I was able to port our legacy software that was written in previous version of Delphi to Delphi 2010. Now, I am ready to write the same software for Delphi.Net for the WEB (ASP.NET) using Delphi Prism. For the life of me, I can't seem to understand the overall layout or idea of how Delphi Prism works. I have gone through tutorials and examples and even searched on Stackoverflow for samples and codes. Still, I can't seem to understand Delphi Prism, even though I have already spent a whole week just playing around with Delphi Prism IDE.
Someone online said that one can take a window standalone program and write it entirely for the web by just using .NET framework.
Right now I am simply trying to create a webform with SerialPort Component to communicate on the comport. I was able to design the webpage controls(buttons, labels)... The program compiles and loads with a localhost started. I see the buttons on the browser, but it won't communicate on the serialport.
I am confused. It looks like I am not doing it right. Can someone give me an example of Delphi Prism SerialPort component usage?
I am not sure if I installed it or it came with the Delphi Prism IDE. However, if you look in the toolbox under Components section after starting Delphi Prism, you will see a component called SerialPort. Apparently, it is part of Microsoft .NET Framework.
I meant to ask how one would use the serial port component that came with the Delphi Prism IDE.
Thank you much,
..I meant to ask how one would use the serial port component that came with the Delphi Prism IDE.
which components ? can you mention the nane of one of these components? – RRUZ