In Azure Search you can boost a query by using first term || secondterm^2
to give more weight to a particular part of the query.
You can also filter for documents that belong to a particular group using
$filter=group_ids/any(g:, '123, 456, 789'))
What I would like to do is boost a document if it belongs to a group but not restrict to only documents that belong to that group.
Something like:
search=mysearchterm^3&$filter=group_ids/any(g:, '123, 456, 789'))^2
But (1) boosting on the filter doesn't seem to work and (2) this would restrict to only documents that belong to group 123,456,789. I would like it to only boost if it belongs, but not restrict to only those groups.
Is this possible?
I've had a look at "Tag Boosting":
But it doesn't seem relevant, it only seems possible to tag boost a top level string field, not a string or int field within a collection.
I think i've figured it out as:
search=mysearchterm AND (group_id:123)^2
If you're using a complex collection it might be:
search=mysearchterm AND (groups/id:123)^2