
I'm using the aws-sdk-go library in my go app.

Roughly the code looks like: awsSession, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{Region:aws.String(region)}) and

        upParams := &s3manager.UploadInput{
            Bucket: aws.String(bucket),
            Key:    aws.String(filename),
            Body:   bytes.NewReader(fileContents),

        uploader := s3manager.NewUploader(awsSession)

        result, err := uploader.Upload(upParams)

When run locally, in a binary, outside a container, this works, because it reads my keys from ~/.aws/credentials.

When run locally, in a Docker container, this works, because I pass in ~/.aws/credentials via $HOME/.aws/credentials:/root/.aws/credentials:ro when starting the container.

But when I tell Fargate to fetch the container from ECR (which works), and run it, it gives these errors in the Task log:

  • Failed to upload files to S3
  • For verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors
  • Failed to upload file: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.

I assume I'm supposed to rely on an IAM policy for the Fargate-managed container/task to get read/write access to S3.

I tried going to IAM -> Roles -> ecsTaskExecutionRole, and adding the AmazonS3FullAccess role, then stopping the task (& having Fargate re-start it). But I get the same error.

I assume I either need to change the Golang code to somehow read the creds from IAM, instead of a file, or I'm doing something wrong on the IAM or Fargate/ECS side.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


1 Answers


I was facing the same issue, the problem is a misconception, we have the executionRoleArn and taskRoleArn as properties in the task definition. When you launch a new task you need the executionRoleArn, but for use aws-sdk you need to pass a taskRoleArn.

You need to attach s3 policies in the taskRoleArn.