
We are trying to use the Microsoft.Azure.Documents.ConnectionPolicy.PreferredLocations property as per this https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/tutorial-global-distribution-sql-api?tabs=dotnetv2%2Capi-async#net-sdk to use additional read regions for CosmosDB calls from our service. The Read Location is “East US 2 EUAP” and the write location is “Central US EUAP”. But all the read requests go to only the write location instead of the read location. Is “East US 2 EUAP” a valid value for the PreferredLocations property? I’m using the same string as that shown on the portal (enabled under read regions). The documentation mentions regions on this https://azure.microsoft.com/regions/ but there is nothing mentioned for “EUAP” regions. As per the documentation, I believe this is what is happening

If the read regions specified in the PreferredLocations list are not available, reads will be served out of write region.

Can someone please help with this?


1 Answers


It looks like EUAP regions relate to early access. You can specify them with the LocationNames class. That said, I'm not sure on current status -- it seems like a better idea to use the public regions unless you have a specific need for EUAP.