I am working through Excel and Word using VBA. From Excel I have a macro to copy all the tables from a specific word file using a macro. It actually work perfectly. However, now I am trying to copy also let's say the 10 previous rows of text of the table because these rows can contain useful information about the content of the table. I tried to find a method to get the position of my table or to copy text from a given position (row, column,...) but I found nothing.
My function to get all the tables from a word document is the following :
Private Function GetlisteTables(doc As Object) As Collection
Dim tableau As Object
Dim listeTableaux As New Collection
For Each tableau In doc.Tables
If tableau.Columns.Count > 4 Then
On Error Resume Next
listeTableaux.Add tableau
End If
Next tableau
Set GetlisteTables = listeTableaux
End Function
I though I could use .Range on my table but this actually gives me the content of the table and I don't think it is useful in my case. Is there any method that can help me to copy a specific part (especially right before a table) of text in a word document using VBA ?