
I'm trying to use VLOOKUP to match activities with product codes, but run into an issue since VLOOKUP always returns the first match. I did a mockup below to describe my issue. To the left, I have a table with activity names and product codes.

To the right, in column G, I want to, based on matching activity names in column F with activity names in column A, assign the activities product codes from column B.

enter image description here

When I use VLOOKUP, it only matches with the first activity name and give all the activities with the same name the same product codes. I need them to get different product codes even if they have the same name. I want my function to "take the next one" on the list, when the first one is taken.

Should I try to use another function to solve this? Is it impossible with VLOOKUP? My 'real' document has like 2000 rows, and the solutions I found on Youtube was not good to scale.

Thanks in advance. I'm new to here so if I should clarify my question in any way, feel free to tell me.

How are you getting the data in column F? This is a case for a Pivot Table. Or if VBA is allowed, I would give it a shot but I need to know the table name and/or if this is the only table on the worksheet, and if the data in columns A and B is values or formulas. If VBA is not allowed, feel free to ignore the request. I suppose the data in column A is not sorted in your real worksheet.VBasic2008
Thanks a lot for responding @VBasic2008. The data in column F is copied from another table. Column A and B are values. Data in column A is not sorted. Basically what I'm going to do is to match the activities in F with codes in column G, then copy everything over column by column into a template and upload it into a system. I guess VBA could work for just 'creating' column G and then copy it over? I'm gonna redo the same type of process for several countries.Soph
@Vbasic2008 some additional information. I have like 4 different documents with different data I need to match and this is just one of them. So ideally, if a Pivot Table could work, I might be able to create Pivot Tables for future matching as well. I'm not that good at Excel yet, but I'm a fast learner.Soph
I use this to get the top 5 dealing with duplicates, so you can edit it to suit your needs and if it helps you give it a vote: stackoverflow.com/a/58640367/4961700Solar Mike
Or you might consider using indirect() with the row that vlookup finds plus 1 to continue to the next...Solar Mike

2 Answers


If the raw is around 2,000 rows, you can use a nested index match with helper columns.

Add a rank in column C with the formula =COUNTIF(A2:$A$2,A2)

enter image description here

Then apply the same ranking in your output part as well (Ensure Activity Name is sorted so that the formula works), Output rank formula =IF(J2=J1,I1+1,1)

enter image description here

Formula that lists out the Product Code {=INDEX($B$2:$B$3190,MATCH(I2,IF($A$2:$A$3190=J2,$C$2:$C$3190),0))}

enter image description here

This is an array formula, you get the curly brackets by hitting control+shift+Enter instead of just Enter upon keying in the formula


If you are using excel 365, you can use UNIQUE formula.