
I am a beginner at node.js and need to host an application that I didn't personally write on an azure server for some testing. The site runs fine locally hosted, as well as hosted using ngrok. Yet, when I host it on azure, I get the following error:

[1] 2020-08-23T00:26:36 
Container etuition_0_41152ef3 didn't respond to HTTP pings on port: 8080, failing site start
[2] 2020-08-23T00:26:36 
Container etuition_0_41152ef3 for site etuition did not start within expected time limit.

Now I must stress that I am completely unfamiliar with node.js, but to me it seems that the http requests are lining up correctly. Here is the code for my index.js, where I think the problem may lie.

'use strict';

 * Load Twilio configuration from .env config file - the following environment
 * variables should be set:
 * process.env.TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID
 * process.env.TWILIO_API_KEY
 * process.env.TWILIO_API_SECRET

const express = require('express');
const http = require('https');
const path = require('path');
const { jwt: { AccessToken } } = require('twilio');

const VideoGrant = AccessToken.VideoGrant;

// Max. period that a Participant is allowed to be in a Room (currently 14400 seconds or 4 hours)

// Create Express webapp.
const app = express();

// Set up the paths for the examples.

].forEach(example => {
  const examplePath = path.join(__dirname, `../examples/${example}/public`);
  app.use(`/${example}`, express.static(examplePath));

// Set up the path for the quickstart.
const quickstartPath = path.join(__dirname, '../quickstart/public');
app.use('/quickstart', express.static(quickstartPath));

// Set up the path for the examples page.
const examplesPath = path.join(__dirname, '../examples');
app.use('/examples', express.static(examplesPath));

 * Default to the Quick Start application.
app.get('/', (request, response) => {

 * Generate an Access Token for a chat application user - it generates a random
 * username for the client requesting a token, and takes a device ID as a query
 * parameter.
app.get('/token', function(request, response) {
  const { identity } = request.query;

  // Create an access token which we will sign and return to the client,
  // containing the grant we just created.
  const token = new AccessToken(

  // Assign the generated identity to the token.
  token.identity = identity;

  // Grant the access token Twilio Video capabilities.
  const grant = new VideoGrant();

  // Serialize the token to a JWT string.

// Create http server and run it.
const server = http.createServer(app);
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
server.listen(port, function() {
  console.log('Express server running on *:' + port);

Here is my package.json

  "name": "video-quickstart-js",
  "version": "1.0.0-dev",
  "description": "Twilio Video SDK Quick Start for JavaScript",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "build": "npm-run-all build:* ",
    "build:examples": "npm-run-all build:examples:*",
    "build:examples:bandwidthconstraints": "copyfiles -f examples/bandwidthconstraints/src/helpers.js examples/bandwidthconstraints/public && browserify examples/bandwidthconstraints/src/index.js > examples/bandwidthconstraints/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:codecpreferences": "copyfiles -f examples/codecpreferences/src/helpers.js examples/codecpreferences/public && browserify examples/codecpreferences/src/index.js > examples/codecpreferences/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:dominantspeaker": "copyfiles -f examples/dominantspeaker/src/helpers.js examples/dominantspeaker/public && browserify examples/dominantspeaker/src/index.js > examples/dominantspeaker/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:localvideofilter": "copyfiles -f examples/localvideofilter/src/helpers.js examples/localvideofilter/public && browserify examples/localvideofilter/src/index.js > examples/localvideofilter/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:localvideosnapshot": "copyfiles -f examples/localvideosnapshot/src/helpers.js examples/localvideosnapshot/public && browserify examples/localvideosnapshot/src/index.js > examples/localvideosnapshot/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:mediadevices": "copyfiles -f examples/mediadevices/src/helpers.js examples/mediadevices/public && browserify examples/mediadevices/src/index.js > examples/mediadevices/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:networkquality": "copyfiles -f examples/networkquality/src/helpers.js examples/networkquality/public && browserify examples/networkquality/src/index.js > examples/networkquality/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:reconnection": "copyfiles -f examples/reconnection/src/helpers.js examples/reconnection/public && browserify examples/reconnection/src/index.js > examples/reconnection/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:screenshare": "copyfiles -f examples/screenshare/src/helpers.js examples/screenshare/public && browserify examples/screenshare/src/index.js > examples/screenshare/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:localmediacontrols": "copyfiles -f examples/localmediacontrols/src/helpers.js examples/localmediacontrols/public && browserify examples/localmediacontrols/src/index.js > examples/localmediacontrols/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:remotereconnection": "copyfiles -f examples/remotereconnection/src/helpers.js examples/remotereconnection/public && browserify examples/remotereconnection/src/index.js > examples/remotereconnection/public/index.js",
    "build:examples:datatracks": "copyfiles -f examples/datatracks/src/helpers.js examples/datatracks/public && browserify examples/datatracks/src/index.js > examples/datatracks/public/index.js",
    "build:quickstart": "browserify quickstart/src/index.js > quickstart/public/index.js",
    "clean": "npm-run-all clean:*",
    "clean:examples": "npm-run-all clean:examples:*",
    "clean:examples:bandwidthconstraints": "rimraf examples/bandwidthconstraints/public/index.js examples/bandwidthconstraints/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:codecpreferences": "rimraf examples/codecpreferences/public/index.js examples/codecpreferences/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:dominantspeaker": "rimraf examples/dominantspeaker/public/index.js examples/dominantspeaker/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:localvideofilter": "rimraf examples/localvideofilter/public/index.js examples/localvideofilter/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:localvideosnapshot": "rimraf examples/localvideosnapshot/public/index.js examples/localvideosnapshot/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:mediadevices": "rimraf examples/mediadevices/public/index.js examples/mediadevices/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:networkquality": "rimraf examples/networkquality/public/index.js examples/networkquality/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:reconnection": "rimraf examples/reconnection/public/index.js examples/reconnection/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:screenshare": "rimraf examples/screenshare/public/index.js examples/screenshare/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:localmediacontrols": "rimraf examples/localmediacontrols/public/index.js examples/localmediacontrols/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:remotereconnection": "rimraf examples/remotereconnection/public/index.js examples/remotereconnection/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:examples:datatracks": "rimraf examples/datatracks/public/index.js examples/datatracks/public/helpers.js",
    "clean:quickstart": "rimraf quickstart/public/index.js",
    "start": "npm run clean && npm run build && node server"
  "repository": {
    "type": "git",
    "url": "git+https://github.com/twilio/video-quickstart-js.git"
  "keywords": [
  "author": "Twilio",
  "license": "MIT",
  "bugs": {
    "url": "https://github.com/twilio/video-quickstart-js/issues"
  "homepage": "https://github.com/twilio/video-quickstart-js#readme",
  "dependencies": {
    "dotenv": "^4.0.0",
    "express": "^4.15.2",
    "prismjs": "^1.6.0",
    "stackblur-canvas": "^1.4.0",
    "twilio": "^3.19.1",
    "twilio-video": "^2.7.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "browserify": "^14.3.0",
    "copyfiles": "^1.2.0",
    "npm-run-all": "^4.0.2",
    "rimraf": "^2.6.1"

Thank you for reading!

Surely there's some documentation you're following? Are you deploying a Container as an Azure Web App? Something is routing requests to 8080 which isn't listening, I suspect if you pointed them to port 80 it would respond.See here: const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;Jeremy Thompson
From the output log it seems that the this code never actually runs. When npm start is called all runs correctly, but it seems than when I deploy the app AWS only runs npm build, and therefor npm server does not run. I added the package.json so you can see this.Richard Natarajan
"... AWS only runs npm build ..."AWS or Azure? On which service are you deploying your app?Tomasz Kaniewski
Apologies, my initial post was correct, I am using Azure. Must have crossed wires when I commented.Richard Natarajan

1 Answers


First, make sure what services you use, AWS or Azure Web App Services ?

Whatever services you use, I recommand you use git to deploy your web app.

  1. Use git to deploy in azure web app services.

  2. Use git to deploy in aws.

You just make sure your web app can run successfully in local. And the port you use like app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000); or const port = process.env.PORT || 3000. Which means you can success run in local with 3000 port.

For more details, you can see my answer in another post.

  1. Azure - Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException

  2. Concurrently JS application pipeline install and build hangs (Express js for server, Create-React-App for Client)

You can refer to the way of troubleshooting when deploy web app by Action. Hope my answer can help you.