
I am new to using dependency injection and had come a long way in my blazor project before I really started using it.

I added DBContext as Transient service(as mentioned in many answers here) and injected it into DataAccessLayer like so:

     public class DataAccessLayer
        public DataAccessLayer(GlobalVariables s,DataContext d)
            GlobalVariables = s;
            context = d;

        private readonly GlobalVariables GlobalVariables;
        private readonly DataContext context;
`/other code here`

Now as I am using razor components in my blazor project when I open one page, around 5 components start to render. All of these components are fetching data from DataAccessLayer.

I run getting these two errors:

System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid attempt to call ReadAsync when reader is closed.

System.InvalidOperationException: A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. This is usually caused by different threads using the same instance of DbContext. For more information on how to avoid threading issues with DbContext

When i remove the dependency and add (using Datacontext), the errors go away and it runs fine. Can anybody suggest me how to properly inject it?

P.S: I have already checked that all my async methods have await and configureawait(true)

The method throwing the first exception of readasync is this :

public async Task<List<MasterCustomer>> getCustomersBinding()
        List<MasterCustomer> customersList = new List<MasterCustomer>();

            customersList = await (from table in context.MasterCustomer where (table.IsActive == true) select (new MasterCustomer { Code = table.Code, Name = table.Name })).ToListAsync().ConfigureAwait(true); ;
        return customersList;
Where do you call ReadAsync? Could you show the code of that methodVencovsky
Edited the question to add the asked code at the end of it.Tanveer Khan
My answer with a link to official guidance to use EF with Blazor Server Side.dani herrera

2 Answers


Your DataAccess layer needs to be transient too, otherwise you'll get a scoped instance that always holds onto the first transient instance of DbContext created.

Finally, make sure you descend your component from OwningComponentBase<T>, otherwise your injected dependency won't be disposed.

@inherits OwningComponentBase<DataAccessLayer>

Then you can access DataAccessLayer via this.Service, and this.Service will be disposed of when your component is disposed.



configureawait(true) is useless in ASP.NET Core.

To avoid threading issue with Entity Framework Core and injected context, inject instead IServiceScopeFactory and use the following pattern

      using (var scope = _scopeFactory.CreateScope())
                var dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationDbContext>();

                do whatever you want with dbContext