I have some strange problem with my custom list.
I defined list which needs to show list of employees. In my custom list, i want to provide selectedId property in order to select(highlight) employee with concrete id. List is created according to [http://blog.flexdevelopers.com/2010/02/flex-examples-binding-value-to-combobox.html].
This is code for my custom list...
<mx:List ....>
private var _selectedId:int;
public function get selectedId():int
public function set selectedId(id:int):void
override protected function commitProperties():void
protected function setSelectedId():void
var subordinates:ArrayCollection=dataProvider as ArrayCollection;
var subordinate:EmployeeSimpleDTO=null;
for(var i:int=0;i<subordinates.length;i++)
var sub:EmployeeSimpleDTO=(subordinates.getItemAt(i))as EmployeeSimpleDTO;
override protected function collectionChangeHandler(event:Event):void
<view:SubordinatesListItem employeeId = "{data.employeeId}"
employeeName = "{data.employeeName}"
employeeSurname = "{data.employeeSurname}"
employeeUsername = "{data.employeeUsername}"/>
This is code for my item renderer
<mx:HBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" width="100%">
private var employeeIcon:Class;
private var infoIcon:Class;
// private var declarations
private var _employeeId:int;
public function get employeeId():int
return _employeeId;
public function set employeeId(id:int):void
private var _employeeName:String;
public function get employeeName():String
return _employeeName;
public function set employeeName(name:String):void
private var _employeeSurname:String;
public function get employeeSurname():String
return _employeeSurname;
public function set employeeSurname(surname:String):void
private var _employeeUsername:String;
public function get employeeUsername():String
return _employeeUsername;
public function set employeeUsername(username:String):void
private function dispatchShowSubordinateDetails():void
dispatchEvent(new Event("showSubordinateDetails",true));
[Event(name="showSubordinateDetails", type="flash.events.Event")]
<mx:Image source="{employeeIcon}" scaleX="0.35" scaleY="0.35"/>
<mx:Label text="{employeeName} {employeeSurname}"/>
<mx:Label text=" [{employeeUsername}]" color="#8D8D8D"/>
<mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
<mx:LinkButton icon="{infoIcon}" click="dispatchShowSubordinateDetails()" width="30"/>
In my code i bind some value on selectedId property of custom list(list is placed inside popup - TitleWindow).
Now, only on the first show up of my custom list, employee, who have id identical as selectedId, is not visually selected(colored) in list. When i said visually, i mean that i get correct object and index when i take selectedItem or selectedIndex property of my custom list.
Even more, on that critical first show up, when i roll mouse over item which should be selected, it stays selected(as she should be) after i roll out.
Subsequent show ups behave as expected.
I tried to give "plastic" description of my problem, so please, excuse me if i gave to little information. I just don't get what the problem is. Any ideas?
? – bmleite