
So, I've started using the Vue Composition API, and it's brilliant. I'm using it in a project that has Vue components, but also Vanilla JS. I'm building a notification system in Vue, as we are slowly moving everything that way.

I have the following code currently for adding a notification

export const useNotification = () => {
    const notifications              = ref([]);
    const visibleNotifications = computed(() => {
        return notifications.value.filter(notification => notification.visible === true).reverse();

    const add = (notification: Notification) => {

I can get this adding perfectly from within Vue, but I want to also add a notification from the vanilla JS parts of the system. I've tried using useNotification().add() but I get the following error [vue-composition-api] must call Vue.use(plugin) before using any function. Basically, it wants me to use it inside Vue.

Any ideas on how I get this working?

I believe this is a shortcoming of using using vue-composition-api with vue2. If you were to use vue3, it should be fine.Daniel
Hmm... Can't quite upgrade to Vue3 at the moment unfortunately!LeeR
Following this SO question, whilst still using Vue2, it seems if I import vue into my notifications TS file, then that fixes. Gave a go, and it did!LeeR

1 Answers


Due to the shortcomings of using the vue-composition-api with vue2, and following the SO question here, I needed to add the following to type of my exported TS file

import Vue               from 'vue';
import VueCompositionApi from '@vue/composition-api';
