I have two multi-value parameters in my SQL: where (PayToTIN IN (@PayToTIN) or PCP_ProvId IN (@PCP_ProvId). I am trying to drop in multiple values in either or parameters however when I drop in a value in either parameter, SSRS treats the other parameter as ''. I am also unable to null out the either param because they are multi-value. Is there a workaround to run multiple values in either one or the other parameter?
Declare @PayToTIN as varchar(max) = '562660402' --'562660402'
Declare @PCP_ProvId as varchar(max) --= 'LASRL12550' --'LASRL12550'
declare @detailfields as varchar(max) = NULL
declare @PayToTIN_switch varchar(max) =
( select max(PayToTIN)
from LA_Temp.dbo.vMemberPCP
where cast(PayToTIN as varchar) in (@PayToTIN)
declare @PCPAssignmentID_switch varchar(max) =
( select max(PCP_ProvId)
from LA_Temp.dbo.vMemberPCP
where cast(PCP_ProvId as varchar) in (@PCP_ProvId)
declare @include_PayToTIN bit = case when 'Pay To Tin' in (@detailfields) then 1 else 0 end
declare @include_PCP_ProvId bit = case when 'PCP ProvID' in (@detailfields) then 1 else 0 end
select distinct
-- , MemberName
, MbrLastName =rtrim( e.LastName)
, MbrFirstName = rtrim(e.FirstName)
, MbrMI = rtrim(e.MiddleName)
, x.DOB
, x.Age
, x.Sex
, Address = e.addr1
, City = e.city
, State = e.state
, Zip = e.zip
, Parish = e.county
, MemPhone = e.phone
, PCPName
, PCPEffDate
, Specialty
, ServiceLocation
, PayToProvider
, PayToTIN
, PayToProvID
, PCP_ProvId
, PCPAssignment
from LA_Temp.dbo.vMemberPCP x
inner join PlanReport_QNXT_LA.dbo.enrollkeys ek
on x.enrollid = ek.enrollid
inner join PlanReport_QNXT_LA.dbo.orgpolicy o
on o.orgpolicyid = ek.orgpolicyid
and right(rtrim(o.policynum),2) <> 'BH'
inner join PlanReport_QNXT_LA.dbo.member m
on ek.memid = m.memid
inner join PlanReport_QNXT_LA.dbo.entity e
on e.entid = m.entityid
--where PayToTIN = @PayToTIN --AMB 05/07/18
where (PayToTIN IN (@PayToTIN)
or '' = @PayToTIN_switch
or ( PCP_ProvId IN (@PCP_ProvId)
or '' = @PCPAssignmentID_switch