I am currently trying to wrap my head around the hole NSTask, NSPipe, NSFileHandle business. So I thought I write a little tool, which can compile and run C code. I also wanted to be able to redirect my stdout and stdin to a text view.
Here is what I got so far. I used code from this post to redirect my stdio: What is the best way to redirect stdout to NSTextView in Cocoa?
NSPipe *inputPipe = [NSPipe pipe];
// redirect stdin to input pipe file handle
dup2([[inputPipe fileHandleForReading] fileDescriptor], STDIN_FILENO);
// curInputHandle is an instance variable of type NSFileHandle
curInputHandle = [inputPipe fileHandleForWriting];
NSPipe *outputPipe = [NSPipe pipe];
NSFileHandle *readHandle = [outputPipe fileHandleForReading];
[readHandle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
// redirect stdout to output pipe file handle
dup2([[outputPipe fileHandleForWriting] fileDescriptor], STDOUT_FILENO);
// Instead of writing to curInputHandle here I would like to do it later
// when my C program hits a scanf
[curInputHandle writeData:[@"123" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]];
NSTask *runTask = [[[NSTask alloc] init] autorelease];
[runTask setLaunchPath:target]; // target was declared earlier
[runTask setArguments:[NSArray array]];
[runTask launch];
NSNotificationCenter *center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
[center addObserver:self selector:@selector(stdoutDataAvailable:) name:NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification object:readHandle];
And here the stdoutDataAvailable method
- (void)stdoutDataAvailable:(NSNotification *)notification
NSFileHandle *handle = (NSFileHandle *)[notification object];
NSString *str = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:[handle availableData] encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
[handle waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify];
// consoleView is an NSTextView
[self.consoleView setString:[[self.consoleView string] stringByAppendingFormat:@"Output:\n%@", str]];
This Program is working just fine. It is running the C program printing the stdout to my text view and reading "123" from my inputPipe. Like indicated in my comment above I would like to provide the input while the task is running once it is needed.
So there are two questions now.
- Is there a way to get a notification as soon as somebody tries to read data from my inputPipe?
- If the answer to 1 is no, is there a different approach I can try? Maybe using a class other than NSTask?
Any help, sample code, links to other resources are highly appreciated!