This is a problem similar to: HQL - row identifier for pagination
I'm trying to implement pagination using HQL. I have a PostgreSQL database.
int elementsPerBlock = 10;
int page = 2; //offset = 2*10
String sqlQuery = "FROM Messages AS msg " +
" LEFT JOIN FETCH msg.commands AS cmd " +
"ORDER BY msg.identifier ASC" ;
Query query = session.createQuery( sqlQuery )
.setFirstResult( elementsPerBlock * ( (page-1) +1 ) )
.setMaxResults( elementsPerBlock );
What happens is that Hibernate fetches ALL the Messages, and returns the needed ones after they were all loaded.
Thus, Hibernate fetches 210000 entities instead of the 30 which are returned (each Messages has exactly 2 commands).
Is there a way to reduce the overhead by a factor of 7000?
edit: I've tries adding .setFetchSize( elementsPerBlock )
. It didn't help.
edit 2: the SQL query that is generated is:
select ...
from schemaName.messages messages0_
left outer join schemaName.send_commands commands1_
on messages0_.unique_key=commands1_.message_key
order by messages0_.unique_identifier ASC
Absolutenly no LIMIT or OFFSET