Oracle gets only timezone offset from OS, so it can't say what Region is set in OS, because there a lot of timezone regions with the same offset (-05:00).
But you can execute OS commands from within Oracle: tzutil /g
on windows or timedatectl
on Linux (or just read /etc/timezone
) to get extended info.
Update: for example, you can use my package xt_shell to run OS commands with timeout and extended STDERR.
select * from table(xt_shell.shell_exec('/usr/bin/timedatectl',1000));
SQL> select * from table(xt_shell.shell_exec('/usr/bin/timedatectl',1000));
Local time: Tue 2020-08-18 11:25:06 UTC
Universal time: Tue 2020-08-18 11:25:06 UTC
RTC time: Tue 2020-08-18 11:25:06
Time zone: Europe/Berlin (UTC, +0000)
NTP enabled: yes
NTP synchronized: yes
RTC in local TZ: no
DST active: n/a