I'm building a Cocoa application and have a question about using window controllers. The idea is that if the user selects New from the menu bar, an instance of MyWindowController which is a subclass of NSWindowController is created and a new window from MyWindow.xib is displayed.
I'm handling the action in the application delegate. From what I have seen after searching around something like the following could be done. Once the window is displayed I don't have any reason to store a pointer to the window controller anymore and since I allocated it I also autorelease it before displaying the window.
[[[[MyWindowController alloc] init] autorelease] showWindow:self];
Since the window is released soon afterwards the window will briefly display on the screen and then go away. I have found a solution where I retain the window controller in the -showWindow: method and let it release itself once it gets a windowWillClose notification.
- (IBAction)showWindow:(id)sender
[self retain];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserverForName:NSWindowWillCloseNotification
usingBlock:^(NSNotification *note) {
[self release];
[super showWindow:sender];
Is there a better way to do this? I have searched the Apple documentation and have not found anything on which practices to use. It sounds like something very basic which it should cover so maybe I'm just searching with the wrong terms.