Win7/x64, Delphi 6 Prof.
Win7 drives me crazy with his side effect. I describe it:
When I force the suggestion with Ctrl+Space, or Delphi do this automatically, the Delphi don't show the suggestion dropdown listbox, he is only bring my all opened forms to front, one by one.
This causes that what I typing is not going to editor window: it is going to any property of the active form, of the active control.
For example.
I don't got ShowMessage with suggestion listbox, I type ShowMess into my main form's caption.
Many times I need to make update pack's because the buttons, caption, etc got "ShowMes" or "Excep" or other property, because I type into these windows...
This function is sometimes broken on win7.
May I can restore the normal working mode without "bring all opened form to front"?
Thanks: dd