
When passing a value to a function that takes both a WPARAM and a LPARAM parameter, does it matter on which of them I pass it? Someone told me that if I use Windows x64 I should use WPARAM; is this true?

Are you talking about a Windows API or a function that you're writing? If it's something you're writing, describe what the arguments are - there's a good chance that WPARAM/LPARAM might not be the best way to go. If it's a Windows API, do what the docs say (should that have to be said?).Michael Burr
It's something I am writing for a user defined message, I dont even use two parameters, but I saw in a book implemented this way, i just need to pass a string to it, and inside my function i call PostmessageAdrian

5 Answers


When sending messages, WPARAM and LPARAM parameters have specific interpretations depending on the message. You need to pass those parameters in the way that the message that you are sending expects them to be passed. If you are defining your own message (perhaps via an offset from WM_USER, WM_APP, or RegisterWindowMessage), then you obviously have a bit more latitude.

In the days of 16-bit Windows, a WPARAM was a 16-bit word, while LPARAM was a 32-bit long. These distinctions went away in Win32; they both became 32-bit values.

According to this, LPARAM is defined as LONG_PTR, which in 64-bit Windows is a signed, 64-bit value. WPARAM is defined as UINT_PTR, which in 64-bit Windows is an unsigned, 64-bit value. If you are defining your own message, you might want to assign its parameters accordingly.

                 WPARAM            LPARAM        
 OS              handles, numbers  pointers      
 16-bit Windows  16-bit unsigned   32-bit signed 
 32-bit Windows  32-bit unsigned   32-bit signed 
 64-bit Windows  64-bit unsigned   64-bit signed 

The history of its definition has changed over the years.

WINDOWS.H (Windows 2.03 SDK, c. 1988)

/* Message structure */
typedef struct tagMSG {
    HWND hwnd;
    WORD message;
    WORD wParam;
    LONG lParam;
    DWORD time;
    POINT pt;
} MSG;

WinDefs.h (c. 1999)

/* Types use for passing & returning polymorphic values */
typedef UINT WPARAM;
typedef LONG LPARAM;

WinDef.h (c. 2005)

/* Types use for passing & returning polymorphic values */
typedef UINT_PTR            WPARAM;
typedef LONG_PTR            LPARAM;
typedef LONG_PTR            LRESULT;

Bonus Reading


It's message-specific. You can use this list of system-defined message categories as reference. Select a group, then a message from the group to see what the message specifies you should pass as WPARAM/LPARAM.

Raymond Chen explains why we have two params.


Yes, the order matters. WPARAM sent/posted in one side winds up WPARAM on the other end; likewise for LPARAM.

If you have your own custom messages you can use WPARAM and LPARAM for anything you want. (There may be some common conventions though.)


Yes, it does. I once passed them in swapped order and the function I call fails. Nevertheless, you should consult MSDN when in doubt. I never program in Win64 though, so I don't whether there are differences between Win32 and Win64 regarding WPARAM/LPARAM behavior.