Hi I'm trying to order a table in BI by monthNumber, but now I have same months in differents year, and PowerBI doesn't care about that. I have:
- Jan-20
- Feb-19
- Feb-20
- Mar-19
- Mar-20
- Apr-19
- May-19
- Jun-19
- Jul-19
- Aug-19
- Sep-19
- Oct-19
- Nov-19
- Dec-19
And I want:
- Feb-19
- Mar-19
- Apr-19
- May-19
- Jun-19
- Jul-19
- Aug-19
- Sep-19
- Oct-19
- Nov-19
- Dec-19
- Jan-20
- Feb-20
- Mar-20
NOTE: Each month I will add a new month (The actual current month e.g. Now Aug-20) and this should still work properly