I have an autocomplete field, which is loading data from the backend, here is the actual code (simplified):
<div class="form-row">
<v-autocomplete :solo="true" v-model="user.place.value" :items="user.place.results"
color="#ad5697" hide-no-data hide-selected item-text="name" item-value="id"
label="Place" append-icon=""
<template v-slot:append>
<v-progress-circular v-if="user.place.isPlaceLoading" indeterminate color="#ad5697"></v-progress-circular>
export default {
name: 'App',
data: () => ({
user: {
userSearchPlace: null,
place: {value: '', isPlaceLoading: false, results: null},
watch: {
userSearchPlace(value) {
this.user.place.results = []
if (value === null || value.length < 3) return;
this.user.place.isPlaceLoading = true
// simulate request
() => {
const results = {"results": [
{"id": "691b237b0322f28988f3ce03e321ff72a12167fd", "name": "Paris", "lat": -33.8599358, "lng": 151.2090295},
{"id": "691b237b0322f28988f3ce03e321ff72a12167fs", "name": "New York", "lat": -33.8599358, "lng": 151.2090295},
"status": "OK"
this.user.place.results = results.results;
this.user.place.isPlaceLoading = false
and the issue is that when it starts loading data and it set this.user.place.isPlaceLoading
to the true
loader is not displayed, but if I set this.user.place.isPlaceLoading
to true
by default (in data object) I can see the loader all the time.
also I tried to use :loading
option on the v-autocomplete
instead of the slot and issue is the same