
I have live app in app store which uses firebase fcm to send push notification using firebase cloud function. On arrival of push notification app plays custom sound provided in main bundle of xcode. But since last 24 hours app not playing custom sound for push notification on ios devices but its playing default iphone notfcation sound. On android devices its playing custom sound.i did not change sound file nor i update any code. The app is live in app store since months and suddenly stopped playing custom sound. Velow is the code of my payload. Waiting for your help.

const payload = {

      notification: {

          title: 'New Orderد',
          body: 'New Order in '+storename,
          badge: '1',
          sound: 'mergedrequest.mp3',
          android_channel_id: 'driverrequestsoundchannelid'

Have you updated your device os version?Jasmit
no, its not playing custom sound on all ios devicesRequest Logistic
if i send fcm through postman then its playing custom sound on all ios devicesRequest Logistic
I have the same problem, custom sound was working, now not working! Is there any solution?Majed Dkahellalah
Having the same issue with my live iOS app, started yesterday Aug 12.frede

2 Answers


Answer from Firebase customer support:

Just to set expectations, this issue was just recently identified as a bug with our Legacy API that’s not properly handling the custom sound for iOS. Our engineering team has identified the fix for this issue, and we couldn’t provide a definite timeline at the moment for the release in our production. For now, you might consider using our HTTP v1 API to send your messages.


I had the same issue and migrating to HTTP v1 API worked for me
