I following the instruction at https://sap.github.io/spartacus-docs/installing-sap-commerce-cloud-2005/
Step 1: completed successful
Step 2: Build and initialize the new recipe
At this step I have got an error. Where I have to specify path for the extension?
# install.bat -r cx-for-spa
> Task :recipes:cx-for-spa:createStoreFrontExt
Buildfile: C:\cx2005\hybris\bin\platform\build.xml
[ysetplatformproperties] Error while evaluating file 'C:\cx2005\hybris\config\localextensions.xml'. Extension 'spartacussampledataaddon' doesn't specify a path and no scanned extension was matching the name. Please check file C:\cx2005\hybris\config\localextensions.xml.
[ysetplatformproperties] java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while evaluating file 'C:\cx2005\hybris\config\localextensions.xml'. Extension 'spartacussampledataaddon' doesn't specify a path and no scanned extension was matching the name. Please check file C:\cx2005\hybris\config\localextensions.xml.