
I am trying to optimize the code below (PySpark UDF).

It gives me the desired result (based on my data set) but it's too slow on very large datasets (approx. 180M).

The results (accuracy) are better than available Python modules (e.g. geotext, hdx-python-country). So I'm not looking for another module.


df = spark.createDataFrame([
  ["3030 Whispering Pines Circle, Prosper Texas, US","John"],   
  ["Kalverstraat Amsterdam","Mary"],   
  ["Kalverstraat Amsterdam, Netherlands","Lex"] 


CA;\bNova Scotia\b
CA;\bNova Scotia\b

......<many, many more>

Creating a Pandas DataFrame from regex.csv, group by iso2 and joining the keywords (\bArizona\b|\bTexas\b\bFlorida\b|\bUS$).

df = pd.read_csv(regex.csv, sep=';')
df_regex = df.groupby('iso2').agg({'keywords': '|'.join }).reset_index()


def get_iso2(x): 
    for j, row in df_regex.iterrows():
        regex = re.compile(row['keywords'],re.I|re.M)         
        matches = re.finditer(regex, x)
        for m in matches:
            iso2[row['iso2']] = iso2.get(row['iso2'], 0) + 1
    return [key for key, value in iso2.items() for _ in range(value)]

PySpark UDF:

get_iso2_udf = F.udf(get_iso2, T.ArrayType(T.StringType()))

Create new column:

df_new = df.withColumn('iso2',get_iso2_udf('address')

Expected sample output:


Some places occur in more than one country (input is address column with city, province, state, country...)


3030 Whispering Pines Circle, Prosper Texas, US -> [US,US,US]
Kalverstraat Amsterdam -> [US,NL]
Kalverstraat Amsterdam, Netherlands -> [US, NL, NL]

Maybe using Scala UDFs in PySpark is an option, but I have no idea how.

Your optimisation recommendations are highly appreciated!

@anky Edited my question. I'm running a Jupyter Notebook on a Spark cluster using PySpark (Spark DataFrame).John Doe
@anky The regex file pretty much does the trick because it is optimised for my dataset and the result is validated with high accuracy.John Doe
Sounds like you are effectively joining two tables using regexp-like predicate, then grouping on the ID of the first table. You can use df = df_addresses.crossJoin(df_regex) to join the two dataframes, then df.filter(df('address').rlike(df('keywords')) and then group on the ID column inherited from df_addresses. This will run entirely in Spark without marshalling data to and from the Python helper processes.Hristo Iliev
Acutally, you can also join and filter in a single operation like df_addresses.join(df_regex, df_addresses('address').rlike(df_regex('keywords')), 'cross').Hristo Iliev
@JohnDoe - it's a great question and you can make it even better if you add the "I have the following DataFrame" ... "which can be created with this code" as described here.Powers

3 Answers


IIUC, you can try the following steps without using UDF:

from pyspark.sql.functions import expr, first, collect_list, broadcast, monotonically_increasing_id, flatten
import pandas as pd

df = spark.createDataFrame([
  ["3030 Whispering Pines Circle, Prosper Texas, US","John"],
  ["Kalverstraat Amsterdam","Mary"],
  ["Kalverstraat Amsterdam, Netherlands","Lex"],
  ["xvcv", "ddd"]

Step-1: convert df_regex to a Spark dataframe df1 and add an unique_id to df.

df_regex = pd.read_csv("file:///path/to/regex.csv", sep=";")

# adjust keywords to uppercase except chars preceded with backslash:
df_regex["keywords"] = df_regex["keywords"].str.replace(r'(^|\\.)([^\\]*)', lambda m: m.group(1) + m.group(2).upper())

# create regex patterns:
df_regex = df_regex.groupby('iso2').agg({'keywords':lambda x: '(?m)' + '|'.join(x)}).reset_index()

df1 = spark.createDataFrame(df_regex)
|iso2|keywords                                                                         |
|CA  |(?m)\bALBERTA\b|\bNOVA SCOTIA\b|\bWHITEHORSE\b|\bCA$                             |
|NL  |(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b|\bNETHERLANDS\b|\bNL$                                          |

df = df.withColumn('id', monotonically_increasing_id())
|address                                        |name|id |
|3030 Whispering Pines Circle, Prosper Texas, US|John|0  |
|Kalverstraat Amsterdam                         |Mary|1  |
|Kalverstraat Amsterdam, Netherlands            |Lex |2  |
|xvcv                                           |ddd |3  |

Step-2: left join df_regex to df using rlike

df2 = df.alias('d1').join(broadcast(df1.alias('d2')), expr("upper(d1.address) rlike d2.keywords"), "left")
|             address|name| id|iso2|            keywords|
|3030 Whispering P...|John|  0|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|  NL|(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b...|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|  NL|(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b...|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|
|                xvcv| ddd|  3|null|                null|

Step-3: count number of matched d2.keywords in d1.address by splitting d1.address by d2.keywords, and then reduce the size of the resulting Array by 1:

df3 = df2.withColumn('num_matches', expr("size(split(upper(d1.address), d2.keywords))-1"))
|             address|name| id|iso2|            keywords|num_matches|
|3030 Whispering P...|John|  0|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          3|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|  NL|(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b...|          1|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          1|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|  NL|(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b...|          2|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          1|
|                xvcv| ddd|  3|null|                null|         -2|

Step-4: use array_repeat to repeat the value of iso2 num_matches times (require Spark 2.4+):

df4 = df3.withColumn("iso2", expr("array_repeat(iso2, num_matches)"))
|             address|name| id|        iso2|            keywords|num_matches|
|3030 Whispering P...|John|  0|[US, US, US]|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          3|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|        [NL]|(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b...|          1|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|        [US]|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          1|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|    [NL, NL]|(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b...|          2|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|        [US]|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          1|
|                xvcv| ddd|  3|          []|                null|         -2|

Step-5: groupby and do the aggregation:

df_new = df4 \
    .groupby('id') \
| id|             address|name|   countries|
|  0|3030 Whispering P...|John|[US, US, US]|
|  1|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|    [NL, US]|
|  3|                xvcv| ddd|          []|
|  2|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|[NL, NL, US]|

Alternative: Step-3 can also be handled by Pandas UDF:

from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, PandasUDFType
from pandas import Series
import re

@pandas_udf("int", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_num_matches(addr, ptn):
    return Series([ 0 if p is None else len(re.findall(p,s)) for p,s in zip(ptn,addr) ])

df3 = df2.withColumn("num_matches", get_num_matches(expr('upper(address)'), 'keywords'))
|             address|name| id|iso2|            keywords|num_matches|
|3030 Whispering P...|John|  0|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          3|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|  NL|(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b...|          1|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          1|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|  NL|(?m)\bAMSTERDAM\b...|          2|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|  US|(?m)\bARIZONA\b|\...|          1|
|                xvcv| ddd|  3|null|                null|          0|


  1. as pattern-matching with case-insensitive is expensive, we converted all chars of keywords (except anchors or escaped chars like \b, \B, \A, \z) to upper case.
  2. just a reminder, patterns used in rlike and regexp_replace are Java-based while in pandas_udf it's Python-based which might have slight differences when setting up patterns in regex.csv.

Method-2: using pandas_udf

As using join and groupby triggers data shuffling, the above method could be slow. Just one more option for your testing:

df_regex = pd.read_csv("file:///path/to/regex.csv", sep=";")

df_regex["keywords"] = df_regex["keywords"].str.replace(r'(^|\\.)([^\\]*)', lambda m: m.group(1) + m.group(2).upper())

df_ptn = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(
    df_regex.groupby('iso2').agg({'keywords':lambda x: '(?m)' + '|'.join(x)})["keywords"].to_dict()
#{'CA': '(?m)\\bALBERTA\\b|\\bNOVA SCOTIA\\b|\\bNOVA SCOTIA\\b|\\bWHITEHORSE\\b|\\bCA$',
# 'NL': '(?m)\\bAMSTERDAM\\b|\\bNETHERLANDS\\b|\\bNL$',
# 'US': '(?m)\\bARIZONA\\b|\\bTEXAS\\b|\\bFLORIDA\\b|\\bCHICAGO\\b|\\bAMSTERDAM\\b|\\bPROSPER\\b|\\bUS$'}

# REF: https://stackguides.com/questions/952914/how-to-make-a-flat-list-out-of-list-of-lists
from operator import iconcat
from functools import reduce
from pandas import Series
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf, PandasUDFType, flatten

def __get_iso2(addr, ptn):   
   return Series([ reduce(iconcat, [[k]*len(re.findall(v,s)) for k,v in ptn.value.items()]) for s in addr ])

get_iso2 = pandas_udf(lambda x:__get_iso2(x, df_ptn), "array<string>", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)

df.withColumn('iso2', get_iso2(expr("upper(address)"))).show()
|             address|name| id|        iso2|
|3030 Whispering P...|John|  0|[US, US, US]|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|    [NL, US]|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|[NL, NL, US]|
|                xvcv| ddd|  3|          []|

Or return an array of arrays in pandas_udf (w/o reduce and iconcat) and do flatten with Spark:

def __get_iso2_2(addr, ptn):
    return Series([ [[k]*len(re.findall(v,s)) for k,v in ptn.value.items()] for s in addr ])

get_iso2_2 = pandas_udf(lambda x:__get_iso2_2(x, df_ptn), "array<array<string>>", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)

df.withColumn('iso2', flatten(get_iso2_2(expr("upper(address)")))).show()

Update: to find unique countries, do the following:

def __get_iso2_3(addr, ptn):
  return Series([ [k for k,v in ptn.value.items() if re.search(v,s)] for s in addr ])

get_iso2_3 = pandas_udf(lambda x:__get_iso2_3(x, df_ptn), "array<string>", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)

df.withColumn('iso2', get_iso2_3(expr("upper(address)"))).show()
|             address|name|    iso2|
|3030 Whispering P...|John|    [US]|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|[NL, US]|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|[NL, US]|
|                xvcv| ddd|      []|

Method-3: use a list comprehension:

Similar to @CronosNull's method, In case the list of regex.csv is manageable, you can handle this using a list comprehension:

from pyspark.sql.functions import size, split, upper, col, array, expr, flatten

df_regex = pd.read_csv("file:///path/to/regex.csv", sep=";")
df_regex["keywords"] = df_regex["keywords"].str.replace(r'(^|\\.)([^\\]*)', lambda m: m.group(1) + m.group(2).upper())
df_ptn = df_regex.groupby('iso2').agg({'keywords':lambda x: '(?m)' + '|'.join(x)})["keywords"].to_dict()

df1 = df.select("*", *[ (size(split(upper(col('address')), v))-1).alias(k) for k,v in df_ptn.items()])

df1.select(*df.columns, flatten(array(*[ expr("array_repeat('{0}',`{0}`)".format(c)) for c in df_ptn.keys() ])).alias('iso2')).show()
|             address|name| id|        iso2|
|3030 Whispering P...|John|  0|[US, US, US]|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|  1|    [NL, US]|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|  2|[NL, NL, US]|
|                xvcv| ddd|  3|          []|

Note: Edited based on the comments

I like @jxc's approach. I took a slightly different way, still without using UDFs, and without the need to broadcast the regex dataset (you only use it in the driver).

Setup the scenario

import re
from io import StringIO
from pyspark.sql.functions import (
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame
import pandas as pd
df = spark.createDataFrame([
  ["3030 Whispering Pines Circle, Prosper Texas, US","John"],   
  ["Kalverstraat Amsterdam","Mary"],   
  ["Kalverstraat Amsterdam, Netherlands","Lex"] 

sample_data = r"""iso2;keywords
CA:\bNova Scotia\b
CA:\bNova Scotia\b
replace_pd = pd.read_csv(StringIO(sample_data),delimiter='[;:]', engine='python')
#Resample to have a similar number of rows
replace_pd = replace_pd.append([replace_pd]*10000)

Create a new column by each row of the regex dictionary

def replace_dict(df: DataFrame, column: str, replace_pd: pd.DataFrame)->DataFrame:
    returns a dataframe with the required transformations 
    to have a list of iso2 codes, and its number of repeats, based on the column (e.g. address) selected
    _df = (
        df.withColumn("words", col(column))
    #For each row in the csv create a new column
    # it will contains the new value if the original
    # column contains a matching string. 
    i = 0
    cols = []
    #grouping by iso2 code
    grouped_df = replace_pd.groupby('iso2').agg({'keywords':lambda x: '(?im)' + '|'.join(x)}).reset_index()
    for index, row in grouped_df.iterrows():
        key = row.keywords
        value = row.iso2
        _cr = value
        _df = _df.withColumn(_cr, size(split(col("words"), f"({key})"))-1)
        i += 1
    # Join the aux columns, removing the empty strings. 
    _df = _df.withColumn("iso2", array(*[when(col(x)>0,concat(lit(x),lit(":"),col(x))) for x in cols])).withColumn(
        "iso2", expr(r"filter( iso2, x->x NOT rlike '^\s*$')")
    _df = _df.drop("words",*cols) #drop the aux columns.
    return _df

run the test

replace_dict(df,'address', replace_pd).show(truncate=False)

This gives you as a result:

|             address|name|        iso2|
|3030 Whispering P...|John|      [US:3]|
|Kalverstraat Amst...|Mary|[NL:1, US:1]|
|Kalverstraat Amst...| Lex|[NL:2, US:1]|

It should be faster than other alternatives (all transformations are narrow), but it depends on the size of your regex.csv file (as it creates lots of sparse columns).


You'll want to broadcast df_regex to all nodes in the cluster, so each core can process the data in parallel.

df_regex_b = spark.sparkContext.broadcast(df_regex)

Update get_iso2 to use the broadcasted variable:

def get_iso2(x, df_regex_b): 
    for j, row in df_regex_b.value.iterrows():
        regex = re.compile(row['keywords'],re.I|re.M)         
        matches = re.finditer(regex, x)
        for m in matches:
            iso2[row['iso2'] = iso2.get(row['iso2'], 0) + 1
    return [key for key, value in iso2.items() for _ in range(value)]

Define the UDF with a nested function:

def get_iso2_udf(mapping):
    def f(x):
        return get_iso2(x, mapping)
    return F.udf(f)