
In store I have several array, string etc.

export const INITIAL_TEST_STORE: TestState = {
    one: null,
    two: null,
    three: false,
    four: {},

And above, you can see initial state values - all are working properly.

But when I dispatched clear action (and setting initial state):

on(clearState, state => ({

the four node has still old value, not empty {}

If I dispatch below action:

on(clearState, state => ({
    four: {}

Everything is clear properly. And I am wondering why? The problem is with immutable? But... it is that same...


2 Answers


Is INITIAL_TEST_STORE updated somewhere else in the codebase? You can make sure of it if you debug the reducer.

fyi, you can also just return INITIAL_TEST_STORE without the spread operator, but that won't change the outcome.


Spread operator does the Shallow copy of the object, four is the nested level object and spread operator will not reset it.

on(clearState, state => ({
    four: { ...INITIAL_TEST_STORE.four }

snippet about should reset the state.