
Trying to Load some Excel data using ADF pipeline via Logic Apps. However when triggering through Logic Apps, the task triggers and then moves to the next step immediately. Looking for a solution where the next step waits for a "Execute Data factory Pipeline" to execute completely before proceeding.

Adding an image for clarity.


enter image description here


1 Answers


For this requirement, I provide a sample of my logic app below for your reference:

1. Add a "Create a pipeline run" action and initialize a variable named status(set its value as "InProgerss").

enter image description here

2. Then add a "Until" action, set the break condition as status is equal to "Succeeded". Add a "Get a pipeline run" action and set the variable status as the value of Status comes from "Get a pipeline run" in the "Until" action. Shown as below screenshot:

enter image description here

3. After that, run your logic app. The steps will run after the "Until" action(also after your pipeline complete).

By the way:

You can also do it in Data Factory, you can delete the data after completion. Please refer to this document.

enter image description here