I am using terraform 12.20.0 and I have provisioned an EKS cluster with 2 node groups.
How can I add name tags to EKS node workers according to their node group names?
I have tried adding "Name" tag in the additional tag sections of each node-group but the tags did not take and my EC2 instance names are empty, while other tags appear.
Here is the configuration - I have skipped the less relevant bits:
module "eks-cluster" {
node_groups_defaults = {
disk_size = 128
key_name = var.key_name
subnets = [
k8s_labels = {
env = var.environment
additional_tags = {
env = var.environment
"k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/enabled" = "true"
"k8s.io/cluster-autoscaler/${var.cluster-name}" = "true"
node_groups = {
app = {
name = "app"
k8s_labels = {
nodegroup = "app"
additional_tags = {
nodegroup = "app"
Name = "${var.environment}-app-node"
ml = {
name = "ml"
instance_type = "m5.xlarge"
k8s_labels = {
nodegroup = "ml"
additional_tags = {
nodegroup = "ml"
Name = "${var.environment}-ml-node"
tags = {
env = var.environment
map_roles = [{