Goal: Move all the necessary, and only the necessary, function apps and their dependencies from one resource group to another. This resource group they are currently in contains an App Configuration, 2 App Services (Function Apps), their Application Insights, a Storage account, and an App Service Plan.
The resource group I want to move them into already has things like Storage accounts, other Function apps, Logic apps, etc.
I have tried consulting the docs, maybe I am consulting the wrong ones. I am still puzzled about the dependencies Function Apps may have, and why this resource group needed to spin up a Storage account and what azure-webjobs-host and what the files populating within it mean or do.
Q1: How can I move them to the new resource group? I am thinking of using their ARM templates, but am vague on details.
Q2: Do I need to bring their Storage account with them?
Q3: Could I instead integrate them with the Storage account in their new resource group, after I moved them? How?
Q4: Can I simply delete Function Apps' Application Insights if I have no further use for them?
Q5: Any good resources or knowledge you want to share about Logic Apps / Function Apps being dependent on other resource types?
Thank you.