Any idea to overcome ambiguous column with snowflake lateral flatten function error with below logic is much appreciated. I'm trying to flatten the nested JSON data using the below query by selecting the value from variant column, However getting ambiguous column name 'VALUE' error with lateral flatten function. Can someone help me to achieve the desired output. Issue here is the JSON key name is coming as "value" and I couldn't get that data using lateral flatten. Desired output has been attached as image to this thread.
Sample JSON Data
{"issues": [
"expand": "a,b,c,d",
"fields": {
"customfield_10000": null,
"customfield_10001": null,
"customfield_10002": [
"id": "1234",
"self": "xxx",
"value": "Test"
"id": "123456",
"key": "K-123"
a.value:id::number as ISSUE_ID,
a.value:key::varchar as ISSUE_KEY,
b.value:id::varchar as ROOT_CAUSE_ID,
**b.value:value::varchar as ROOT_CAUSE_VALUE**
lateral flatten( input => payload_json:issues) as a,
lateral flatten( input => a.value:fields.customfield_10002) as b;*