
I have a MYSQL RDS db.m4.large and Read Replica db.m4.large. I am going to scale the Master DB to db.m4.4xlarge tier. Do I need to upgrade the read replica too at same tier as I am worried about the cost will increase?


1 Answers


You can indeed, when looking through the documentation for create-db-instance-read-replica there is a flag named --db-instance-class with the following description.

The compute and memory capacity of the read replica, for example, db.m4.large . Not all DB instance classes are available in all AWS Regions, or for all database engines. For the full list of DB instance classes, and availability for your engine, see DB Instance Class in the Amazon RDS User Guide.

Default: Inherits from the source DB instance.

This means that replicas can have a different instance class than the master nodes, it is worth pointing out for multi-az that each node will be the same instance size.